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Very cute, but I can't seem to reach the end because the game crashes when you press backspace to restart in later levels


What an adorable game! The designs are really cute and I love the gender transformation aspect of it all, now I want to find more games like it!


Fun concept! I'm curious how many levels there are in this version; I had to stop before running out. Could really do with a volume control, though, and the art style consistently left me misjudging which space creatures were in.

It's really short for now, half of the levels are just the tutorial levels. XD

Adjusting the volume will be a good thing to include in a future update! I'll also try to make clearer they only occupy one square, making it the shape more visible in the ground.
Thanks for the comment!


Puzzle Book Isekai'd!! Gameplay

Thanks for trying it!


Fun little game. Kinda annoyed that everytime you mess up you have to restart the whole level but still interesting design. Simple poof tfs are annoying though. Would love to see maybe a portrait of the character changing as we beat levels. That would be a nice reward.  


Next things for an updated version would be adding an undo and save systems.

Making the TFs less poofy is also one of the objectives.